Blog article #23 by SID


Unveiling SiHoneypot: The Next-Gen Cybersecurity Platform for Critical Infrastructures   In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the need for innovative solutions to protect critical infrastructures has never been more crucial. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, traditional security measures are often outpaced, leaving vital sectors such as autonomous vehicle infrastructures and energy systems vulnerable to [...]

Blog article #23 by SID2024-05-13T10:40:17+00:00

Blog Article #22 by CLS


Stremlining Incident Response & Recovery with IRIS’s Risk-based Response and Self-Recovery Module In today's digital landscape, organizations face an ever-evolving array of cybersecurity threats. From ransomware attacks to data breaches, the need for efficient incident response has never been more critical. Thankfully, advancements in Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) technologies are providing solutions to [...]

Blog Article #22 by CLS2024-03-29T09:13:45+00:00

Blog Article #21 ATOS


Vulnerability Discovery Manager in IRIS project The Vulnerability Discovery Manager (VDM) is the tool developed by ATOS included as part of the IoT and AI-Provision Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Module of the Automated Threat Analytics (ATA) component of the IRIS Platform. The goal of the VDM is the dynamic identification, enrichment, analysis and reporting of [...]

Blog Article #21 ATOS2024-03-07T12:27:17+00:00

Blog Article #20 CISCO


Embracing API Integration for Enhanced Cybersecurity in IRIS PUC1 In today's digital age, the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems is crucial for Europe's future. However, this rapid technological growth also presents an escalating challenge: safeguarding these systems from cyber threats and privacy breaches. [...]

Blog Article #20 CISCO2024-02-01T09:41:17+00:00

Blog Article #19 by INTRA


IRIS Enhanced MeliCERTes Ecosystem The IRIS Enhanced MeliCERTes Ecosystem (EME) extends the MeliCERTes v2 open-source platform by enabling, through further development and integration of CTI components: Secure and efficient security information representation in standardized formats (STIX v2.1 / CACAO / MISP), which enables interoperability in information sharing both within the IRIS integrated platform as well [...]

Blog Article #19 by INTRA2024-01-11T07:47:23+00:00

Blog Article #18 by DNSC


The validation of the requirements in the system design of the IRIS Project through the stakeholders and DNSC   DNSC contributed through its experts to a SAT management (Site Acceptance Test) and provided informal feedback for the IRIS pilots and requirements regarding the system design, the functional architecture, and the use cases, during the IRIS Validation [...]

Blog Article #18 by DNSC2023-11-01T08:23:40+00:00

Blog Article #17 by FVH


Enhancing Energy Infrastructure Security Through Cross-Border Collaboration: PUC3. Amidst the critical significance of cybersecurity within the energy domain, Pilot Use-case 3 (PUC3) in the IRIS project is dedicated to providing an infrastructure for testing and refining security measures in cross-border cities Tallinn and Helsinki. PUC3 aims to enhance the security of energy infrastructures by evaluating [...]

Blog Article #17 by FVH2023-10-10T11:11:26+00:00

Blog Article #16 by CEA


The BINSEC tool is designed to help finding potentially unknown vulnerabilities ("0day") in a system under test, assuming an access to some (security critical) executable code to be analyzed. Inside the static vulnerability detection module of IRIS Automated Threat Analytics (ATA), this is complementary to the capabilities offered by ATOS Vulnerability Discovery Manager (VDM), which [...]

Blog Article #16 by CEA2023-09-29T09:39:31+00:00

Blog Article #15 by ECSO


Community Building and linking with relevant stakeholders from industry With this blog post, we’d like to shed light on ECSO efforts linked to the Community Building Task. After initially creating a broad list of stakeholders, ECSO efforts were pointed towards engaging with industry representatives, more specifically Chief Information Security Officers (CISO). Established and coordinated by [...]

Blog Article #15 by ECSO2023-09-29T07:58:17+00:00

Blog Article #14 by KEMEA


CyberTraP module is a real-time capture the flag (CTF) scoring engine for training exercises that will be implemented in the IRIS Virtual Cyber Range. In the framework of IRIS project, this training environment will be utilized to host cyber-security activities where the trainees can practice their skills, regardless of experience, in both offensive and defensive [...]

Blog Article #14 by KEMEA2023-06-06T12:05:28+00:00
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