Pilot Use Case 3, led and organised by the Forum Virium Helsinki, was held online on 21 March 2024 and consortium partners demonstrated the capabilities of Virtual Cyber Range in training CERTs/CSIRTs and validated the capabilities of the IRIS platform safeguarding the Helsinki Smart Grid environment against cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Besides the IRIS consortium partners, several stakeholders from national CERTs, the energy sector and representatives from different municipalities attended the pilot and gave useful feedback regarding not only the technical parts, but also about the social acceptance that is an important element of the project.

The second and final wave of PUC 3 was successfully conducted in June 2024.

PUC 2 Facts:

Focus: Education of CERTs/CSIRTs on effective incident response and threat intelligence collaboration in cross-border cyber-attacks.

Place: Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland

Expected outcomes:
• Safer services and more protected components of the smart grid to the building residents
• Better decision-making for the energy operators
• Secure energy infrastructure

End Users: CERTs/CSIRTs, Energy infrastructure stakeholders

You can find the presentation, here