IRIS Launch Event

IRIS Launch Event was organised in the presence of the European institutions and key stakeholders to give high visibility to the project, raise awareness on the project priorities and start engaging with key experts (to also form the expert group for T8.4).

The Event was organised remotely on 5th of July 2022 by ECSO and was a success qualitatively and quantitatively. The first part revolved around the presentation of the IRIS Project. INOV, the project  coordinator, gave an overview of the project which was followed by a presentation from Atos on the IRIS Architecture and finally the three challenging Pilot Use Cases were presented. The overarching theme of the second part of the event was Threat Information Sharing. As a prelude to the panel discussion, INTRA presented IRIS Enhanced MeliCERTes 2 Ecosystem. A high-level panel then took place on the topic of ‘Threat intelligence and information sharing: technical and policy perspectives’ which was organised and moderated by ECSO. External stakeholders were successfully engaged as the panel speakers represented stakeholders from multiple categories – EU Institutions/Agencies (ENISA), Industry representative (Erium), CERT (CERT Catalonia) and a project coordinator of a closely related EU project (Empowering EU ISACs). There was great interest and turnout for the event with more than 70 people attending. Positive feedback was received both from participants and the EC project officer. Registrants will be invited to participate in other activities of the IRIS Project at later stages (when applicable).

The presentations are available here